Our Capabilities

FMT Products

Novel Biome is expanding safe and reliable access to FMT through our registered clinical partners with a choice of FMT formulations available. We provide four formulation options: enema, colonoscopy, capsules and oral powder manufactured in our specialized Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) certified microbiota laboratory, which includes in-house finished product testing. All our FMT products utilize our highly screened and vetted donor network, which exceeds industry standards.


High-Quality GMP Manufacturing

Novel Biome has a Health Canada Drug Establishment Licence (DEL), and our laboratory and manufacturing space are Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) certified and follow Good Laboratory Practices (GLP). We understand the importance of manufacturing under stringent standards to create consistent, safe, and scalable high-quality FMT products.


Donor Screening

At Novel Biome, we understand that the most critical safety component for all FMT products is appropriate and safe donor screening! This is why we make this our #1 priority, ensuring that we manufacture the highest quality product utilizing extensive donor screening, appropriate medical assessments which exceed standards, and over 120 different blood and stool testing parameters.


The Novel Biome Way